

Dearest young lady. I am glad to come your path again. I believe it is a divine arrangement to help you secure your marital future.
Can you patiently take this walk with me believing that God will help you get it right at the end of it?
The truth is that, some of the things God will be opening our eyes to if we are willing, may contradict what the world stands for and possibly what we have grown to be taught and made to believe. It may crash the foundation which you have long built on and planning to continue building your intended marriage on. But I stand for the truth. And my duty as your well wisher is to make that truth known to you as the Lord allows me.
By so doing, I may possibly help many (those who are willing and open minded)  if not all to find a way  of reconciling their path and getting it right before it becomes late . Or as well help those who have already taken the wrong path to find a way of restoration. And see you enjoy a fulfilling marital experience.

Now, to the matter at hand darling.  I wish I can save you some silly questions but please bear with me. I just Can't hold them back when they come flowing.
Have you sat your self down to ask and answer some serious questions concerning your future with your betrothed?
Keep those butterfly feelings by the side just this once and answer me or rather answer your self. You can actually write it down somewhere to help you make reference when the need arises.

Do you really understand that life will never remain the same after you walk down the aisle with this gentleman?

Have you really considered those changes that would be inevitable and really made up your mind to make it a worthwhile change, adjust and take up the change for life with him?

Do you really understand the spiritual  principle guiding this important step you are about to take in your life?

Can you for a moment look beyond the fizzle and excitement of having finally got the opportunity to move out of the single club and ask your self some serious soul searching questions?

Let me now tell you the hard truth!
Once you say yes to a man at the alter ;

1. You loose your independence to him. Yes! Am not implying that you are now a slave to him. But you are no longer exclusively "you" ! You are now "We".
It is no longer about I, Me and Myself. It is now We! And the serious implication to this is that he has the final say in that marriage. So can I ask you baby? will you believe in his final say at any point through out the life span of that marriage? Do you even believe that he will always have the right final say?
You see why you cannot just say yes to any kind of man? Have you realised that you can not just say yes to a man because he came from abroad, rides Jeep and sprays money around? Have you grab the understanding that you simply can not say yes to a man who do not say what the Lord says?
A man who is not submitted to God, who do not hear him and follow him will not say what the Lord is saying. Yes ma! He will wake up most of the times and say what his ego is saying instead of what God is saying. He does not even understand God's dealings and mandate over your life, so how can he say the right things over you?That's why you may be afraid of surrendering completely to him and obeying his instructions. Because right inside you, you know it is his ego that is talking. Because his instructions sometimes may contradict your values! But my dear, it is not even a reason to disobey him. Once you make that vow at the alter in the presence of the convenant keeper and host of witnesses both spirits and humans, you have made a commitment to stay through and keep saying yes for life! This is why it is important that both of you are on the same page on value system!Please be extremely careful to who you say yes to before it is too late!

2. You submit your destiny to him not just your body! Yes, I know some of us can't wait to finally enjoy legal sex. So, we are in a hurry to say yes and rush to the alter. The same reason why people in ignorance would give in to a man demanding for premarital sex before marriage to test their sexual compatibility! My sister, if you have understanding, you will know that your marital security is not in the sexual or financial prowess of the man, but in his in-depth understanding of what destiny has in store for both of you ! A man who lacks insight of what you have been created to be will not be equipped to groom you to fulfill that destiny! A man who is not equipped to help your destiny will undermine the gold in you, under rate your value, under develope your potentials and under estimate your capabilities. And who else has the right, power and authority to help you come to the fullness of womanhood, if not your better half? You see why you need spiritual sensitivity rather than make up and open eye to choose rightly? Because, your destiny is at stake here! It's a critical matter!
Many ladies have buried their purpose of living on the alter of marriage! They stopped fulfilling destiny the moment they said Yes to a man. They surrender their destiny to the fate of taking care of house chores, babies and daily businesses that takes them away from the focus of their existence. My darling, you are more than this! You were created for more! These are not the reason you live, they are only a means to the end! Don't get wrapped up in them so much that you loose grip of why you were created!

We shall be elaborating more on other implications next time I come your way!
Keep discovering more that God is saying to us!
Thank you for following!
please don't hesitate to comment on the message box any time.
I remain your very own Sister;
Mrs Princess Obi-Chimezie.

For more information, questions and counseling, you can contact me via;
WhatsApp messenger 08033179330
Princess Francisca Obi-Chimezie @ Facebook


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