

I am glad to write to you again oh my beloveth young man. I promised to write on "The calling of the Bridegroom" the last time. But I have a leading to address this area first simultaneously with" The implication of saying yes to a man". After which I will fulfill that promise.

I strongly believe that God wants to correct the errors and irresponsibilities found among men carrying innocent and gullible daughters of His kingdom into marriage as well as help them discover the gravity of what they are getting into and take their proper place in that unique position He has placed them in the marriage institution.
So, before you take a further step towards the alter, can I ask you?

Sir, can you really beat your chest in conviction that you know what God expects of you in that union you are about to start?
Can you boldly say that you know where God is taking you in life and that you are sure, this woman you have proposed to is the one that can help you get there?

Can you say that you have insight of what God has called that lady to be, where God is taking her to and that you can actually help her get there no matter the hurdles that may come?

Would you be able to say to a certain degree that you have been equipped to handle another life beside yours? Have you been ridden of your selfishness, ego, pride, greed and all the vices that breaks marriages?

Have you really set your heart "to death do you part " convenant or you still have a small room in a corner of your heart to go your way if things get rough?

Do you realise that what should drive you to taking a woman to the alter is not to fulfill family or societal expectations nor satisfy your age grade demand? Or has it occurred to you that you are not going into that marriage to satisfy your hormonal desires nor to raise children to continue your lineage?

Let me burst your bubble too. Do you know that love is not a reason to go to the alter? Yes! Just like submission is not a reason for a woman to say yes to you. There is more to marriage than just fall in love, propose with diamond ring, throw wedding party and live happily ever after as seen in the movies! Real life marriage is a walk of destiny! It is not a joke. It is not taking a walk or strolling through the amusement park! In summary, marriage is not about you! It is about eternal reflection on earth! If you have this understanding, you will not fail in marriage! You will not even make mistake in making a choice of whom to marry. I will therefore counsel that you share this to young people are yet to make a choice of whom to marry as well as our youths where ever they may be found. Thank you.

In this article and subsequent ones, we trust God to help us get the right resolve about this step we have chosen to take towards forever.
Your choice to seal your love forever is a legally and spiritually approved one. The heavens rejoice over that union because the Kingdom of God is expected to expand through it (Heaven on earth marriage) ,while the earth celebrate because you are proving to be a full grown and responsible man. You see the difference in the analysis of both kingdom? The question is "why" are you getting married and "who" are you interested to please? Your choice determine what you experience in the marriage. Therefore you need to know that;
1. You become an identity or you can say a representative of Christ to her.  The position of a husband is not an ordinary position. It is a highly esteemed one. This is not to boost your ego. Not at all. It is to braze you up to what you are meant for in the office of a husband. It's quite unfortunate that we put so much heck in getting married than we put in understanding what being married as the man entails. You are called to be the image of Christ not even to your wife alone. But for the sake of the focus of this article, we will concentrate here. Your wife should see the attributes of Christ in you and sincerely that's when it makes it easier for her to submit to you. You are called to treat her as Christ treats the church !  He died for her! Can you love this lady to the point of giving up your own life?

2. God holds you responsible for what that woman turns out to become in life!
Hold on, what do you think when the scripture instructed a woman to submit to you as as the church to Christ? You think it is  for promotion? Do you think God will hand over the destiny of another person to you to play hide and seek with or be careless about? You are her care taker. You should be her inspiration. She should be able to fully maximize all the potentials hidden inside of her because you came into her life. You should groom and furnish her so well that she can boldly take the stage of her life without intimidation. Even if that lady have not found her feet on what exactly she has been created to be, coming in contact with you should spark up that interest because in you,her assignment is embedded. That is why she is an "help meet". A helper is not the primary bearer of or owner of a thing! A helper is an assistant! And until there is something to assist with,she is useless!My question to you now is, what do you have doing that she is coming to help you accomplish? It is a shame that most young men marry to have a wife that will help them do laundry, wash dishes and cook! Chai! What a disaster! What a waste of potential! That is why a woman will have time to go to a neighbor's house to gossip because she didn't find any ready assignment to help her husband achieve.
You should help her discover herself!
Let's continue Some other time.

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I remain your very own Sister;
Mrs Princess Obi-Chimezie.
For more information, questions and counseling, you can contact me via;
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