Eph 6:1-7

Every member of the family occupies a divinely appointed position. Therefore for a family to fully enjoy the glory of God, every member must be brought under total submission/ obedient to the will of God for their divine position.

It is the responsibility of the Head of the family to bring every member of the family to the understanding of what their place and functions are in the family. It is committed into the hand of the Man to teach his family the ways of God and living. So, don't think your place is to provide for the family while it's the place of your wife to take care of the children and home.

The man is the image and glory of God according to the scripture in 1 Cor 11:7. In other words, he is the expression of God head to his family. The express image of God through Christ to his household just as Christ is to us. It is therefore not a joke to be a married man. For those who are interested in getting married so as to be recognized as a full grown man in the society or  to enjoy the pleasure of sex and have children, it is a joke to the will of God for marriage and family at large. You are called to instruct your children in the ways of the Lord. And until you yourself is connected and submitted to God, you can not know what exactly to instruct your children that will bring forth godliness in them, because you simply don't have the connection neither do you have the life to transmit to your children. Because you must first recognise and surrender to the authority and Lordship of Jesus to be able to exert the same nature of authority over your family starting from your wife, down to your children and your entire household. For you instruct them with your life style and your word of life  through prayer, word of God and experience. Your passion to give your children good life which we define with provision of food, shelter, quality education, accumulated properties e.t.c which are not bad in their right sense should never in any way take the primary will of God to teaching them the ways of eternal Life and prosperity.

Your place as the man is also to love your wife " as Christ loves the church....." Can you boldly tell yourself that you are loving your wife as Christ loves the Church to the extent of giving His life for her?Can your wife validate your love for her without any sense of sentiment or doubt?

1 Peter 3:1- ,  Eph 5:22

Wife, you are brought into the family to submit to your husband first, for therein lies your ability to gain from the Lord the capacity to help the man fulfill his assignment thereby fulfilling your own assignment as a helper to your husband. Check the scripture in 1 Cor 11:3, 8- 10. Your husband is God's authority extended to you in human form. When you submit to your husband, you are able to connect to him and form a synergy that is strong enough to instruct and groom your children in the will of God. When the children see a connection between their parents, it's easier for them to align to the pattern programmed for the home. But when they sense disparity between the parents, they are thrown into confusion of whose side to fall into.  This is why you see families where some children support the father where others support the mother. What a disaster ! Family at war within itself! For a house that is divided against itself is in shamble and a shame to the society and a disappointment to God's purpose for marriage and family! Wife, you are the center of every family! Your misplaced position endangers both your husband and children! Woe is that family that the place of the woman is misplaced. Your character and disposition consciously and unconsciously patterns the life style of your family as well as influence the atmospheric condition of the home. Your children naturally learn to live by the standard you present to them through your agreement with your husband. For as they continue to behold and live in an atmosphere of God's presence, nature and life style exhibited within the home, it becomes a natural habitation that influence their lifestyle and mindsets. 

As a wife, taking your place also gives the man an edge of living a balance and fulfilling life. For your support gives them hope and courage to face the issues of life and take their place as the man and head of the family. And for those who have not known Christ,your moulded and submissive character will make it easier for him to recognise the nature of Christ and become interested in getting saved. Your prayer for his salvation is also heard because you are living in obedient and in the will of God which is to bring all men to the knowledge of Christ.

Parents, your children are asked to obey you "in the Lord" this is why every parent should be Christ connected so as to instruct their children in the will of God and make it easier for them to obey.

Children, your place in the family is to obey your parents "in the Lord" and to honour them. For it is when you obey them that you come into learning of the ways of the Lord and Life. For therein lies your capacity building to live a fulfilling life. Remember that you are asked to obey "in the Lord", it is in essence telling you that every instruction(s) not godly is not to be obeyed! Your obedience and allegiance is first to the Lord the creator of the whole universe who expresses His Lordship and authority through your parents. Also, it should be your prayer that your parents come to Christ if you are privileged to become a born again before them. That is not to license you to take their instructions for granted at will. Let your heart be to obey, respect and honor your parents as God desires even when they are unbeliever. Seek to honour God through the way you honour your parents and His promises attached to that commandment will not elude you.

Remain blessed.

Your sister and friend in the race;

Mrs Princess Obi-Chimezie.


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