Dressing sense


     One of the major tools the devil has set up to use to win the body of Christ is disunity. He has put a lot of strategies in place . But this article will be focusing on the area of dressing.

Dressing code has become the talk of the church today rather than righteousness. We condemn fellow Christians who wear what we think is wrong to wear.

This is a strategy the devil has setup to cause cracks in the wall. And we know, if the wall of our unity as believers cracks, the devil will enter and deal with us!

Let’s go straight to the point: 

Both men and women must dress well! Don’t judge fellow believers because of their dressing code. We should not cause havoc in the body of Christ. Rather, tell them what you think is right or advice them to know what God has to say about dressing codes.

We have quarreled about this issue of dressing for long and whenever it comes to the knowledge of our pastors, they tell us what they think is right which most still disregard while allowing the controversy to keep spreading as wild fire . Some of us wear some attires and when asked why, they say certain ministers of God wear those outfits and still manifest the power of God so we started wearing it! Please you are not the pastor and the pastor is not you! Never do something because you think someone else is doing it! Do whatever you do because it is in agreement with God’s purpose. Please, if you disagree with what your pastor says, no problem! Here’s what I suggest for you:

Become born again

Be filled with the Holy Spirit

Totally submit yourself to the leadership of the Holy Spirit 

Get familiar and conversant with God’s voice.

Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you Godly dressing code.

Furthermore, 1 Timothy 2:9 says;

9 In the same way, that women also adorn themselves in decent clothing, with modesty and propriety; not just with braided hair, gold, pearls, or expensive clothing;

God wants you to dress decently. So, dress decently. That's all!

As for me,

I believe in modesty and decency for all peoples (male/ female)

I believe I should dress in a decent and modest manner.

I believe I should dress in a way that will not birth a bad thought in someone’s mindset.

I believe my dressing shouldn’t stir up lust in the mind of someone

I believe my dressing should be different from that of the world!

I believe my dressing can tell someone that i am born again.

I believe my dressing should not be a hindrance to the gospel I preach with my mouth!

I believe that my conscience shouldn’t be pricking me because of my dressing code.

I believe my dressing code should glorify God!

I believe I should dress in the fear of the Lord!

I believe I should dress well everywhere and everytime!!

I believe that other people should want to dress decently like me!

I believe, if God was interested in dressing code in the old testament, he is still interested in your physical appearance today!

I believe the Holy Spirit in me must agree with my dressing code.

I believe my dressing shouldn’t attract sinners to come and make friends with me.

I believe my dressing should be to the glory of God!

Remain Blessed in God’s Vineyard

Nduka C. Praise

